Wednesday, December 17, 2014

For A Time

The poem below is born of grief, & release. (It's still quite raw. I'm only just now getting to the release part.)  It's been a long time since I've done any creative writing... Too long really. Sadly the love story of MagicMan & Rapture has come to an end. It was a beautiful time in my life. My grief at the loss has been all consuming. It will be awhile before I'm done healing from this one. But I must release and move on in love.

The Summoning of the Muse by Andrew Gonzales

For A Time

Once, your face was my cosmos. Your voice was my comfort. Your laughter was my courage. Once, in all that is, there was only we.

For a time we bathed in our passions like toddlers playing in the sun. We ran naked with abandon through fields of rapture, and rapture embraced us.

We learned wildness from the flowers, and lay down among them spilling our essence to one another in glorious fortitude.

For a time the river sang delight in the joy we brought to her banks, and her lusty ballads of our love filled the ardent sky.

Then, fingers of trepidation tore at us, and we lost our way. There we threw off our trust, ran blindly into madness... and were lost to ourselves.

For a time I walked with sorrow, under grieving stars. I waltzed with anger while loath and love played duos of conflicting melodies.

Ardor for what has been clashes against the now, building only future confinement. Rather, I release you. I forgive you. I forgive us.

© Rapture's Corner